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Grade 11 Courses:


CHA3U - American History

* Explore the history of the United States. Topics include the American Revolution, War of 1812, Abraham Lincoln, and modern culture and sports.


​CLU3M - Understanding Canadian Law

* Students will gain an understanding of laws relating to rights and freedoms in Canada; our legal system; and family, contract, employment, tort, and criminal law.


HSP3U - Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, & Sociology

* This course introduces students to theories, questions, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology.


HPW3C - Working with Infants & Young Children

* This course prepares students for occupations involving children from birth to six years of age.


CGG3O - Travel and Tourism

* This course examines travel and tourism around the globe.

Courses ending in "U" = University-preparation courses

Courses ending in "M" = University and/or College-preparation courses

Courses ending in "C" = College-preparation courses

Courses ending in "E" = Workplace-preparation courses

Courses ending in "O" = Open-level courses

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